Fort Clux, a new beginning...

baby chick

Last summer when one of our hens went broody, we decided to see if this whole mamma hen thing really works. To our delight, we ended up with five new chicks before the fall!

At the beginning, our original coop still had plenty of room for the newcomers. But, as happens, they eventually got bigger…

Chickens sitting on the compost bin

We had always planned on having our flock in the future orchard space, so it seemed like a good to to embark on a project to build a a new coops in it’s (hopefully) permanent location!

A New Day - A New Coop!

Phase I: The Plans

I spent weeks collecting images on Pinterest and looking at pictures online and trying to find blueprints I liked, and at the end I couldn’t find anything concrete to work from.

In the meantime, Lina got a pencil and whipped us up a set of plans!

Screenshot 2021-01-18 104415.png

Phase II: The Goods


We ordered the framing materials and the roofing from Home Depot, but Lina wanted to use a fallen Tulip Poplar from our yard to make the siding for the coop. Look for a post soon for details on her milling the wood planks with a chainsaw!

Phase III - Assembling the Coop (coming soon….)

Cynthia Crosswhite