Spring Crop Harvest


The Spring Garden has come and gone!

The peas have been ripped out and the cucumbers have taken their place!

We had some early failures this year. We started putting things outside about two weeks before Mother’s Day because we saw that the temperatures were going to be high enough, but the plants we started early all stayed small and were outrun by their later-planted companions.

We also saw that everything besides the peas was growing very slowly - which lead us to test our soil and realize we had almost no nitrogen! Once we fixed that, the greens progressed much more quickly. The peas definitely stole the show, though.

Our other major success so far has been our herbs! We’ve been harvesting dill, cilantro, parsley, basil, lemon verbena, and lovage for weeks!

Most of the basil we happily turn into pesto, but we’ve found that the Thai varieties have too much of a cinammony undertone to work in normal pesto. We’ve frozen some and dried a bunch as well. We still need to figure out how to use it!


We can’t take complete credit for the wineberries on our land - they were all planted before we got there! We got a nice harvest of the beautiful berries from the woods that we turned into jam and cordial! The cordial starts with soaking the wineberries in vodka for a few weeks, and then we will strain them and mix with sugar water.

Cynthia Crosswhite