Chemist on a Hot Tin Roof
Raising the Roof, cont'd....
We got pretty close to meeting our goal of finishing the roofing in one day! We drove down to WV on Friday night, borrowed a truck, and picked up our roofing supplies from Lowes right before they closed!
Screws... check! Drill hex adapter... check!
On our list of supplies was:
- 9 metal roofing panels
- 2", #9 self-drilling roofing screws
- 1", #9 self-drilling roofing screws
- roofing felt
- hex-bolt drill adapter for roofing screws
- 2x ridge panels
- Things had already had: nail gun and nails, sealing paint for cut roof panels, tin snips, tape measure, hammer
Day 1:
Our goal was to get all of the roofing on in one day! We drove up to the shed and took off the blue tarp (visible in the picture above) and dropped off our materials.
Before we could get roofing, we had to finish cutting and installing the plywood on one side of the roof.
That happened pretty fast, so before noon we were ready to start the actual roofing project!
Step 1 of this process was to put up the felt roofing on top of the plywood. You can see the black felt in the pictures below - we had to cut sections that were 142" wide and then layer three sections to cover each side of the roof with some overlap. The felt was held in with nails put in with a good ol' fashion hammer...
After that, the fun part came! The roofing panels that we got were 8' long, and at first we thought that we were going to have to cut all of them down by a few inches and then cut the sides on one panel down, which would have been a pain. When we actually sat down and crunched the numbers, though, we realized that we could just mount them with no cutting and get the overhang that we wanted on all sides! A happy dance might have followed..... (but not while on the scaffolding or the roof... safety first!)
We came so close to our goal! By, at about 5:30 we had finished putting up all but one of the the panels, but we still didn't have the ridge cap on and we were starting to drop things, so we decided to call it a night. (We tacked a piece of the ridge cap on before we left because it was going to rain overnight...)
Day 2:
We put up the last roof panel and tacked on the rest of the ridge-line!
When we come back next, we'll need to put in the caulking and foam that goes along the ridge (and maybe straighten it out a little...)
Overall? I'd still call it a success!
Next up- finish the ridge on the roof and start putting up siding!